颜性恋 “我的三观取决于反派的五官” 人类的本质是颜性恋吗
原创: KY KnowYourselfReferences:邦纳丰,肯尼迪,希尔顿,肯尼迪和莫利纳。作为一个错误思考者的失败企业家的画像:利润减少的企业是由过度自信的所有者经营的。未出版的手稿,CNRS,图卢兹。Cunningham,M. R. . Measuring the physical in physical attractiveness: quasi-experimentson the sociobiology of female facial beauty. Journal of personality and socialpsychology, 50, 925.洛杉矶唐斯和里昂,下午。实践和最初法律判决之间联系的自然观察。人格和社会心理学通报,17,541–547。Eagly, A. H., Ashmore,R. D., Makhijani, M. G., & Longo, L. C. . What is beautiful is good,but…: A meta-analytic review ofresearch on the physical attractiveness stereotype. Psychological bulletin, 110, 109.费恩戈尔德。人格的性别差异:一项荟萃分析。心理通报,116,429。Langlois,F., Freeston, M. H., & Ladouceur, R. . Differences and similaritiesbetween obsessive intrusive thoughts and worry in a non-clinical population:Study 2. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 38, 175-189.朗罗伊,J. H .,罗格曼,洛杉矶,凯西,R. J .,里特,J. M .,里瑟-丹纳,洛杉矶,&詹金斯,弗吉尼亚。婴儿对迷人面孔的偏好:星形的雏形?。发展心理学,23,363。Olivola,C. Y., & Todorov, A. . Elected in 100 milliseconds: Appearance-based traitinferences and voting. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 34, 83-110.佩雷特,D. I .,李,K. J .,彭顿-沃克,I .,罗兰,d .,吉川,s .,伯特,d ....赤松。两性异形对面部吸引力的影响。自然,394,884。Revert,T.K., & Walker, L. S. . Physical Attractiveness and Social Status. SociologyCompass, 8, 313-323.威利斯和托多洛夫。与一张脸接触100毫秒后的第一印象。心理科学,17,592-598。